Full liquid Diet

The full liquid diet is often used as a step between a clear liquid diet and a regular diet, for example, after surgery or fasting. It may also be used after certain procedures, such as jaw wiring. This diet may also be appropriate for patients who have swallowing and chewing problems.

The full liquid diet is often used as a step between a clear liquid diet and a regular diet, for example, after surgery or fasting. It may also be used after certain procedures, such as jaw wiring. This diet may also be appropriate for patients who have swallowing and chewing problems.

Nutrition Facts

The full liquid diet is low in iron, vitamin B12, vitamin A, and thiamine. It should not be used for a long period of time unless vitamins, iron, or liquid nutritional supplements are added. This diet has 1,800 mg of calcium, so extra calcium is not needed.

Food Groups
Milk & milk productsmilk, milkshakes, eggnog, ice cream, custard, puddingall cheeses
Vegetablesall vegetable juicesall raw or cooked vegetables
Fruitsall juice or nectarall fresh, frozen, or canned fruit
Breads & grainscooked refined cereals; farina, grits, oatmeal, cream of rice, cream of wheatall other cereals, all breads
Meat or meat substitutesnoneall
Fats & oilsbutter, margarine, creamall others
Sweets & dessertssherbet, sugar, hard candy, plain gelatin, fruit ice, honey, syrupsall others
Soupsbroth, bouillon, strained creamed soupsall others
Sample Menu
BreakfastLunch & Dinner
fruit juice 1 cuphot cereal 1/2 cupeggnog 8 ozwhole milk 8 ozhot tea with sugar & lemonstrained creamed soup 3/4 cupjuice 1 cupice cream 1/2 cuppudding or custard 1/2 cupwhole milk 8 ozhot tea with sugar & lemonsalt/pepper
This Sample Diet Provides the Following
Calories2,100Fat80 mg
Protein60 gmSodium2,975 mg
Carbohydrates290 gmPotassium2,900 mg